TudorFilms presents an action packed gore fest, following regular guy Ed (Marcus Carroll) who awakes one morning to find that his Nan (grandmother) has become one of the living dead. Trapped in his ho...
Jack (Peter Vack) is an internet gambler living in NYC. After the death of his roommate, he becomes fixated on Scarlet (Julia Fox) - a cam girl from San Francisco. His obsession reaches a boiling poin...
超级大胖子金斯教授(艾迪?墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰演)虽然学术高明,心地善良,但因为体型问题一直成为大家的笑柄。直到有一天,金斯教授发现自己研制的新药成功了,这种药水能改变小白鼠的DNA,使其体重减轻,似乎金斯教授就要迎来自己的新生活了。 金斯教授一直钟情于化学教员的卡洛小姐(贾达?萍克?史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith 饰),一次约她到俱乐部吃饭时,金斯教授又因为体型问...